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第一章 总 则
第一条 为了适应对外开放和经济发展的需要,加强和完善对外资金融机构的管理,制定本条例。
第二条 本条例所称外资金融机构,是指依照中华人民共和国有关法律、法规的规定,经批准在中国境内设立和营业的下列金融机构:
第三条 外资金融机构必须遵守中华人民共和国法律、法规,不得损害中华人民共和国的社会公共利益。
第四条 中国人民银行是管理和监督外资金融机构的主管机关;外资金融机构所在地区的中国人民银行分支机构对本地区外资金融机构进行日常管理和监督。

第二章 设立与登记
第五条 外资银行、合资银行的最低注册资本为3亿元人民币等值的自由兑换货币;外资财务公司、合资财务公司的最低注册资本为2亿元人民币等值的自由兑换货币;其实收资本不低于其注册资本的50%。
第六条 设立外资银行或者外资财务公司,申请者应当具备下列条件:
第七条 设立外国银行分行,申请者应当具备下列条件:
第八条 设立合资银行或者合资财务公司,申请者应当具备下列条件:
第九条 设立外资银行或者外资财务公司,应当由申请者向中国人民银行提出书面申请,并提交下列资料:
(四) 申请者所在国家或者地区有关主管当局核发的营业执照(副本);
第十条 设立外国银行分行,应当由外国银行总行向中国人民银行提出书面申请,并提交下列资料:
第十一条 设立合资银行或者合资财务公司,应当由合资各方共同向中国人民银行提出书面申请,并提交下列资料:

第十二条 本条例第九条、第十条、第十一条所列资料,除年报外,凡用外文书写的,应当附有中文译本。
第十三条 中国人民银行对设立外资金融机构的申请初步审查同意后,发给申请者正式申请表。申请者自提出设立申请之日起满90日未接到正式申请表的,其设立申请即为不予受理。
第十四条 申请者应当自接到正式申请表之日起60日内将填写好的申请表连同下列文件报中国人民银行审批:
第十五条 外资金融机构自接到中国人民银行批准文件之日起30日内,应当筹足其实收资本或者营运资金,并调入中国境内,经中国注册会计师验证后依法向工商行政管理机关办理登记,并依法自开业之日起30日内向税务机关办理税务登记。
第十六条 外资金融机构自中国人民银行审查批准之日起30日内,应当向国家外汇管理局领取《经营外汇业务许可证》。

第三章 业务范围
第十七条 外资银行、外国银行分行、合资银行按照中国人民银行批准的业务范围,可以部分或者全部经营下列种类的业务:
第十八条 外资财务公司、合资财务公司按照中国人民银行批准的业务范围,可以部分或者全部经营下列种类的业务:
第十九条 本章所称外汇存款,是指以外币表示的下列存款:
第二十条 本章所称外汇汇款,是指境外汇入汇款和境内外商投资企业、外国人、华侨以及香港、澳门、台湾同胞的汇出汇款。
第二十一条 本章所称进出口结算,是指外资银行、外国银行分行、合资银行办理的外商投资企业的进出口结算和经批准的非外商投资企业的出口结算以及放款项下的进口结算。

第四章 监督管理
第二十二条 外资金融机构的存款、放款利率及各种手续费率,由外资金融机构按照中国人民银行的有关规定确定。
第二十三条 外资金融机构经营存款业务,应当向所在地区的中国人民银行分支机构缴存存款准备金,其比率由中国人民银行制定,并根据需要进行调整。存款准备金不计付利息。
第二十四条 外国银行分行的营运资金的30%应当以中国人民银行指定的生息资产形式存在,包括在中国人民银行指定的银行的存款等。
第二十五条 外资银行、合资银行、外资财务公司、合资财务公司的总资产不得超过其实收资本加储备金之和的20倍。
第二十六条 外资银行、合资银行、外资财务公司、合资财务公司对1个企业及其关联企业的放款,不得超过其实收资本加储备金之和的30%,但是经中国人民银行特许的除外。
第二十七条 外资银行、合资银行、外资财务公司、合资财务公司的投资总额不得超过其实收资本加储备金之和的30%,但是经中国人民银行批准投资于金融机构的除外。
第二十八条 外资银行、合资银行、外资财务公司、合资财务公司的固定资产不得超过其实收资本加储备金之和的40%。
第二十九条 外资金融机构应当确保其资产的流动性。具体办法由中国人民银行另行制定。
第三十条 外资金融机构从中国境内吸收的存款不得超过其总资产的40%。
第三十一条 外资金融机构应当按照规定计提呆帐(坏帐)准备金。
第三十二条 外资银行、合资银行、外资财务公司、合资财务公司的实收资本低于注册资本的,必须每年从其税后利润中提取25%予以补充,直至其实收资本加储备金之和等于其注册资本。
第三十三条 外资金融机构应当聘用至少1名中国公民为高层管理人员。
第三十四条 外资金融机构应当聘用中国注册会计师,并经所在地区的中国人民银行分行认可。
第三十五条 外资金融机构有下列情况之一的,须经中国人民银行批准,并依法向工商行政管理机关办理有关登记:
第三十六条 外资金融机构应当按照规定向中国人民银行及其有关分支机构报送财务报表和有关资料。
第三十七条 中国人民银行及其有关分支机构有权检查、稽核外资金融机构的经营管理和财务状况。

第五章 解散与清算
第三十八条 外资金融机构自行终止业务活动,应当在距终止业务活动30日前以书面形式向中国人民银行提出申请,经中国人民银行审查批准后予以解散并进行清算。
第三十九条 外资金融机构无力清偿到期债务的,中国人民银行可以责令其停业,限期清理。在清理期限内,已恢复偿付能力、需要复业的,必须向中国人民银行提出复业申请;超过清理期限,仍未恢复偿付能力的,应当进行清算。
第四十条 外资金融机构因解散、依法被撤销或者宣告破产而终止的,其清算的具体事宜,参照中国有关法律、法规的规定办理。
第四十一条 外资金融机构清算终结,应当在法定期限内向原登记机关办理注销登记。

第六章 罚 则
第四十二条 违反本条例第二章的规定,未经批准擅自设立外资金融机构的,由中国人民银行予以取缔,没收其非法所得,并可以处5万元至10万元人民币等值外汇的罚款。
第四十三条 外资金融机构违反本条例第三章的规定,超越批准的业务范围从事经营的,由中国人民银行或其有关分支机构责令其停止所超越部分的经营活动,没收其超越部分的非法所得,并可以处1万元至5万元人民币等值外汇的罚款。
第四十四条 外资金融机构违反本条例第四章的有关规定从事经营的,中国人民银行或其有关分行有权责令其纠正、调整业务或者补足有关资金,并可以处5000元至3万元人民币等值外汇的罚款。
第四十五条 外资金融机构违反第四章的有关规定,未按期报送财务报表和有关资料的,由中国人民银行或其有关分支机构予以警告、通报,责令限期补报,并可以处3000元至2万元人民币等值外汇的罚款。
第四十六条 外资金融机构违反本条例,除依照本章第四十三条、第四十四条、第四十五条的有关规定予以处罚外,情节严重的,中国人民银行可以责令其停业直至吊销其营业许可证。
第四十七条 外资金融机构违反中华人民共和国其他法律、法规的,由有关主管机关依法处理。

第七章 附 则
第四十八条 香港、澳门和台湾的金融机构在境内设立和营业的金融业务机构,比照适用本条例。
第四十九条 对外国金融机构驻华代表机构的管理办法,由中国人民银行另行制定。
第五十条 本条例由中国人民银行负责解释;实施细则由中国人民银行制定。
第五十一条 本条例自1994年4月1日起施行。1985年4月2日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国经济特区外资银行、中外合资银行管理条例》和1990年9月7日国务院批准、1990年9月8日中国人民银行发布的《上海外资金融机构、中外合资金融机构管理办法》同时废止。

Regulations of the People's Republic of China Governing FinancialInstitutions with Foreign Capital

(Promulgated on February 25, 1994)

Whole document
Regulations of the People's Republic of China Governing Financial
Institutions with Foreign Capital
(Promulgated on February 25, 1994)

Chapter I General Principles
Article 1
These Regulations are formulated in order to meet the needs of opening
to the outside world and economic development, strengthen and improve the
management of financial institutions with foreign capital.
Article 2
Financial institutions with foreign capital mentioned in these
Regulations refer to the following financial institutions that are
established and operate in China upon approval in accordance with the
relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China:
(1) subsidiary banks incorporated by foreign capital whose head
offices are in China (hereinafter referred to as foreign banks);
(2) branches of foreign banks in China (hereinafter referred to as
foreign bank branches);
(3) banks incorporated jointly by foreign and Chinese equity
institutions (hereinafter referred to as equity joint-venture banks);
(4) finance companies incorporated by foreign capital whose head
offices are in China (hereinafter referred to as foreign finance
companies); and
(5) finance companies incorporated jointly by foreign and Chinese
financial institutions (hereinafter referred to as equity joint-venture
finance companies).
The State Council determines the locations that are open to financial
institutions with foreign capital.
Article 3
Financial institutions with foreign capital shall abide by the laws
and regulations of the People's Republic of China, and shall not engage in
activities that harm the social and public interests of the People's
Republic of China.
The legitimate business operation and lawful rights and interests of
the financial institutions with foreign capital shall be protected by the
laws of the People's Republic of China.
Article 4
The People's Bank of China is the sole regulatory authority
responsible for the regulation and supervision of the financial
institutions with foreign capital; the branches of the People's Bank of
China exercise routine regulation and supervision of the financial
institutions with foreign capital in their jurisdiction.

Chapter II Establishment and Registration
Article 5
The minimum registered capital for a foreign bank or an equity
joint-venture bank shall be in amount of a freely convertible currency
equivalent to RMB 300 million yuan; and that for a foreign finance company
or an equity joint-venture finance company shall be in amount of a freely
convertible currency equivalent to RMB 200 million yuan, of which, the
paid-up capital shall not be below 50 percent of the registered capital.
The head office of a foreign bank branch shall allocate a working
capital in a freely convertible currency equivalent to no less than RMB
100 million yuan to its branches without any repayment or recompense.
Article 6
The applicant for the establishment of a foreign bank or a foreign
finance company is subject to the following conditions:
(1) the applicant is a financial institution;
(2) the applicant has maintained a representative office in China for
two years or longer;
(3) the total assets of the applicant at the end of the year prior to
its application are not be below US $ 10 billion; and
(4) there is a sound system for financial regulation and supervision
in the home country or region of the applicant.
Article 7
To establish a foreign bank branch, the applicant is subject to the
following conditions:
(1) the applicant has maintained a representative institution in China
for two years or longer;
(2) the total assets of the applicant at the end of the year prior to
the application shall not be below US $ 20 billion; and
(3) there is a sound system for financial regulation and supervision
in the home country or region of the applicant.
Article 8
To establish an equity joint-venture bank or equity joint-venture
finance company, the applicant is subject to an the following conditions:
(1) each partner to the joint-venture is a financial institution;
(2) the foreign partner has a representative institution in China;
(3) the total assets of the foreign partner at the end of the year
prior to the application are not be below US $ 10 billion; and
(4) there is a sound system for financial regulation and supervision
in the home country or region of the applicant.
Article 9
The applicant for the establishment of a foreign bank or a foreign
finance company shall submit to the People's Bank of China a written
application together with the following documents:
(1) a letter of application specifying: the name of the foreign bank
or finance company to be set up, the registered capital and paid-up
capital, the intended business activities, etc.,
(2) a feasibility study;
(3) the articles of association of the intended foreign bank or
finance company;
(4) a photocopy of the business license issued by the relevant
regulatory authorities of the country or region in which the applicant is
(5) the annual reports of the applicant for the last three years; and
(6) other documents required by the People's Bank of China.
Article 10
To establish a foreign bank branch, the head office of the foreign
bank shall submit to the People's Bank of China a written application
together with the following documents:
(1) the application signed by the legal representative specifying: the
name of the branch to be set up by the foreign bank, the amount of working
capital free from repayment allocated by the parent company, the intended
business activities, etc.;
(2) a photocopy of the business license issued by the relevant
regulatory authorities of the country or region in which the applicant is
(3) the annual reports of the applicant for the last three years; and
(4) other documents required by the People's Bank of China.
Article 11
To establish an equity joint-venture bank or a finance company, the
partners to the equity joint-venture shall submit to the People's Bank of
China a jointly written application together with the following documents:
(1) the application for the establishment of an equity joint-venture
bank or a finance company specifying: the name of the intended equity
joint-venture bank or finance company to be set up, the names of all the
partners to the joint-venture, the amount of the registered capital and
paid-up capital, the proportion of the capital contributions of all
parties to the joint-venture, the intended business activities, etc.;
(2) a feasibility study;
(3) the contract for the equity joint-venture and the Articles of
Association of the joint venture bank or finance company to be set up;
(4) a photocopy of the business licenses issued by the relevant
regulatory authorities of the country or region in which the applicants
are incorporated;
(5) the annual reports of the applicants for the last three years; and
(6) other documents required by the People's Bank of China.
Article 12
Except the annual reports, all documents required in Article 9,
Article 10 and Article 11 hereof, if written in a foreign language, shall
have a Chinese translation attached.
Article 13
The applicant shall be given a formal application form when the
People's Bank of China approves the application for the establishment of a
financial institution with foreign capital after preliminary examination.
The application shall be considered rejected if the applicant fails to
receive the formal application form within 90 days from the date of
Article 14
The applicant shall, within 60 days from the date of receiving the
formal application form, present to the People's Bank of China the
completed form and the following documents for ratification:
(1) a list of the key executives of the intended financial institution
with foreign capital and their resumes;
(2) a power of attorney granted to the key executive officer of the
intended financial institution with foreign capital;
(3) in case of applying for setting up a foreign bank branch, a letter
of guarantee from the head office specifying the responsibility for the
tax and debt obligations incurred by the foreign bank branch; and
(4) other documents required by the People's Bank of China.
Article 15
The financial institution with foreign capital shall, within 30 days
from the date of receiving the approval document of the People's Bank of
China, raise and transfer to China the required paid-up capital or working
capital, and then register with the industry and commerce administration
authorities in accordance with law after the transferred capital is
verified by a certified public accountant registered in China. It shall
also register with a taxation office, in accordance with law, within 30
days from the date when it enters into operation. Article 16
The financial institution with foreign capital shall apply to the
State Administration of Exchange Control for the issuance of the Foreign
Exchange Operation License within 30 days from the date of approval by the
People's Bank of China.

Chapter III Scope of Business
Article 17
Subject to approval by the People's Bank of China, a foreign bank, a
foreign bank branch or an equity joint-venture bank shall be allowed to
conduct some or all of the following business activities:
(1) foreign currency deposit-taking;
(2) foreign currency lending;
(3) foreign currency bill-discounting;
(4) approved foreign exchange investment;
(5) foreign exchange remittance;
(6) foreign exchange guarantee;
(7) import and export settlement;
(8) foreign currency dealing and brokerage;
(9) exchange of foreign currencies and bills denominated in foreign
(10) foreign currency credit card payment;
(11) custody and safe-deposit box service;
(12) credit verification and consultation; and
(13) approved business activities in domestic currency and other
foreign currencies.
Article 18
Subject to approval by the People's Bank of China, a foreign finance
company or an equity joint-venture finance company shall be allowed to
conduct some or all of the following business activities;
(1) foreign currency deposit of US $ 100,000 in minimum for each
deposit with a maturity of three months or longer;
(2) foreign currency lending;
(3) foreign currency bill-discounting;
(4) approved foreign exchange investment;
(5) foreign exchange guarantee;
(6) foreign currency dealing and brokerage;
(7) credit verification and consultation;
(8) foreign exchange trust business; and
(9) approved business activities in domestic currency and other
foreign currencies.
Article 19
The foreign currency deposit-taking specified in this chapter refers
to the following deposits denominated in foreign currencies:
(1) inter-bank deposits both in China and abroad;
(2) deposits taken from the non-bank clients located outside China;
(3) deposits taken from foreigners in China;
(4) deposits taken from overseas Chinese and compatriots from Hong
Kong, Macao, and Taiwan;
(5) deposits taken from enterprises with foreign investment in China;
(6) re-deposits as occurred as a result of lending by financial
institutions with foreign capital to non-enterprises with foreign
investment; and
(7) other approved foreign exchange deposits.
Article 20
The foreign exchange remittance specified in this chapter refers to
the inward remittance from abroad and the outward remittance by
enterprises with foreign investment, foreigners, overseas Chinese and
compatriots form Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan on the mainland of China.
Article 21
The import and export settlement specified in this chapter refers to
such business as the import and export settlement of enterprises with
foreign investment, the export settlement of approved non-enterprises
with foreign investment, and the import settlement occurred as a result of
their lending conducted by foreign banks, foreign bank branches, and
equity joint-venture banks.

Chapter IV Supervision and Administration
Article 22
The deposit and lending rates as well as various types of fees charged
by a financial institution with foreign capital shall be determined by
itself in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations of the
People's Bank of China.
Article 23
To conduct deposit-taking business, a financial institution with
foreign capital is required to deposit reserves with a local branch of the
People's Bank of China. The reserve ratio shall be determined, and
adjusted when necessary, by the People's Bank of China. The deposit
reserves are free of interest.
Article 24
Thirty percent of the working capital of a foreign bank branch shall
be maintained in the form of interest-bearing assets designated by the
People's Bank of China, including the deposits held with the banks
designated by the People's Bank of China.
Article 25
The total assets of a foreign bank, an equity joint-venture bank, a
foreign finance company, or a equity joint-venture finance company shall
not exceed twenty times the sum of its paid-up capital plus reserves.
Article 26
The loans granted to an enterprise and its related enterprises by a
foreign bank, an equity joint-venture bank, a foreign finance company, or
an equity joint-venture finance company shall not exceed thirty percent of
the sum of its paid-up capital plus reserves, except those specially
approved by the People's Bank of China.
Article 27
The gross investment of a foreign bank, an equity joint-venture bank,
a foreign finance company, or an equity joint-venture finance company
shall not exceed thirty percent of the sum of its paid-up capital plus
reserves, with the exception of that made to a financial institution and
approved by the People's Bank of China.
Article 28
The fixed assets maintained by a foreign bank, an equity joint-venture
bank, a foreign finance company, or an equity joint-venture finance
company shall not exceed forty percent of the sum of its paid-up capital
plus reserves.
Article 29
A financial institution with foreign capital shall ensure the
liquidity of its assets. The specific requirements to financial
institutions with foreign capital on their assets, liquidity shall be made
separately by the People's Bank of China.
Article 30
Deposits taken from within the territory of the People's Republic of
China by a financial institution with foreign capital shall not exceed
forty percent of its total assets.
Article 31
A financial institution with foreign capital shall make provisions
fund for non-performing (bad) assets in accordance with the relevant
procedures as stipulated by the State.
Article 32
A foreign bank, an equity joint-venture bank, a foreign finance
company, or an equity joint-venture finance company whose paid-up capital
is below the level of its registered capital, shall supplement the paid-up
capital by transferring twenty-five percent of its post-tax profit each
year until the sum of the paid-up capital plus reserves equals to the
registered capital.
Article 33
A financial institution with foreign capital shall employ at least one
Chinese citizen as its senior executive.
Article 34
A financial institution with foreign capital shall employ certified
public accountants registered in China. Such employment shall be subject
to the confirmation by the relevant local branch of the People's Bank of
Article 35
A financial institution with foreign capital shall gain approval from
the People's Bank of China and conduct the related registration with an
industry and commerce administration department in accordance with the law
in any of the following cases:
(1) establishment of an affiliate;
(2) adjustment or transfer of registered capital, increase or decrease
of working capital;
(3) change of the institution's name or business address; and
(4) replacement of senior executives.
Article 36
A financial institution with foreign capital shall submit to the
People's Bank of China and its related branches financial statements and
other relevant data.
Article 37
The People's Bank of China and its branches have the right to examine
and audit the operational management and financial situation of a
financial institution with foreign capital.

Chapter V Dissolution and Liquidation
Article 38
In case of a self-termination of its business activities, a financial
institution with foreign capital shall submit a written application to the
People's Bank of China 30 days before the termination, and will be
dissolved and liquidated after the Bank's examination and approval.
Article 39
The People's Bank of China may order a financial institution with
foreign capital which is unable to meet its liabilities to cease operation
and make repayment within a limited period of time. If it has recovered
redeemability and wants to resume business within the time limit, it shall
apply to the People's Bank of China for resuming business; if it fails to
recover redeemability beyond the time limit, it shall enter into
Article 40
In case of the termination of a financial institution with foreign
capital due to dissolution, cancellation under the law or because of the
declaration of bankruptcy, matters concerning its liquidation shall be
handled under the stipulations of relevant Chinese laws and regulations.
Article 41
Upon the completion of liquidation, a financial institution with
foreign capital shall reregister itself at the original registration
agency within the legal time limit.

Chapter VI Penalties
Article 42
In case of a financial institution with foreign capital established in
violation of the stipulations of Chapter II hereof and without approval,
the People's Bank of China shall outlaw it, confiscate its illegal gains
and may, together, fine an amount of foreign exchange equivalent to RMB
50,000-100,000 yuan.
Article 43
In case of a financial institution with foreign capital conduction the
business activities beyond its approved business scope and in violation of
the stipulations of Chapter III hereof, the People's Bank of China or its
relevant branch institutions shall order it to cease those business
activities which are beyond its approved business scope and confiscate its
illegal receipts from the non-approved business activities, and a penalty
of an amount of foreign currency equivalent to RMB 10,000-50,000 yuan
shall also be imposed.
Article 44
In case of a financial institution with foreign capital conducting the

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《无锡市房屋租赁管理办法》已经 2008 年 6 月 27 日市人民政府第 5 次常务会议审议通过,现予公布。

市 长 毛小平



第一条 为加强房屋租赁管理,规范租赁秩序,保障当事人的合法权益,根据有关法律、法规,结合本市实际,制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称的房屋租赁,是指出租人将其房屋出租给承租人使用,由承租人向出租人支付租金的行为。

第三条 本市行政区域内的房屋租赁及其管理,适用本办法。

第四条 房屋租赁管理坚持依法管理与效能管理相结合、租住管理与人口管理相结合的原则。

第五条 市、市(县)、区房产管理局是本市房屋租赁的行政主管部门,根据职责分工负责房屋租赁的管理工作。
工商行政管理部门负责查处利用租赁房屋进行无照经营等违法行为,查处非法房屋租赁中介服务机构。 税务部门负责房屋租赁的税收征管工作。

第六条 房屋租赁行政主管部门应当与人口和计划生育、公安、税务、工商等部门建立信息共享制度,互通房屋租赁信息。

第七条 具有房屋权属证书或者合法证明的房屋方可出租,但有下列情形之一的房屋不得出租:

第八条 住宅房屋出租必须具备基本的生活和安全设施,人均建筑面积不得低于 12 平方米;出租用于集体宿舍的房屋,人均建筑面积不得低于 6 平方米。

第九条 房屋租赁当事人可以自行建立房屋租赁关系,也可以通过依法设立的房屋租赁中介机构建立房屋租赁关系。

第十条 房屋出租人与承租人应当遵循自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,依法建立房屋租赁关系。

第十一条 本市房屋租赁实行登记备案制度。

第十二条 房屋租赁当事人应当自房屋租赁关系建立或者变更之日起 30 日内,持下列材料到房屋所在地社区事务工作机构办理房屋租赁登记备案手续:

第十三条 房屋租赁当事人变更、提前解除租赁合同的,当事人应当自房屋租赁合同变更、终止之日起 10 日内,办理变更、注销登记备案手续;房屋租赁合同期满续租的,应当按照本办法规定办理房屋租赁登记备案手续;房屋租赁合同期满,租赁合同自动失效,不需要办理合同备案注销手续。

第十四条 社区事务工作机构自接到房屋租赁备案申请之日起 3 个工作日内,对符合本办法规定的出租房屋,予以办理登记备案,分别发放《房屋租赁登记备案证明》和《房屋出租登记卡》,并要求出租人签订《房屋租赁社会责任承诺书》,承租人签订《无锡市市民文明守法责任书》;不符合本办法规定的,不予登记备案,并书面答复申请人。
社区事务工作机构在出租房屋登记备案时应当按照规定同时采集承租人人口相关信息;在 15 日内将房屋租赁合同或者其他表明房屋租赁关系成立的材料的副本送税务部门备案;房屋承租人为非本市户籍的,还应当书面告知其应当申报居住登记或者申领居住证件。

第十五条 《房屋出租登记卡》由市房屋租赁行政主管部门统一制作和编号,包括以下内容:
(三)出租房屋的统一编号。 制作、发放《房屋出租登记卡》不收取费用。

第十六条 房屋出租人应当依法缴纳租赁税费。

第十七条 市、市(县)房屋租赁行政主管部门应当根据市场变化,定期公布分等分类房屋租赁指导租金。

第十八条 房屋出租人应当遵守下列规定:
(三)外来人员居住满 7 日未申报居住登记,或者按照规定应当申领居住证件的外来人员居住满 30 日未申领居住证件的,房屋出租人应当报告公安部门;

第十九条 承租人应当遵守下列规定:

第二十条 租赁房屋从事生产经营的,在申领营业执照或者向有关部门办理手续时,应当提供房屋租赁合同和房屋租赁登记备案证明。

第二十一条 从事房屋租赁的中介服务机构,应当依法办理工商登记,并在领取营业执照之日起 30 日内,到市、市(县)房屋租赁行政主管部门备案。

第二十二条 违反本办法规定,租赁房屋未办理登记备案手续的,由房屋租赁行政主管部门责令限期办理;逾期仍未办理的,房屋租赁行政主管部门可以对住宅租赁当事人处以 200 元以上500 元以下罚款;对非住宅租赁的出租人处以 500 元以上 1000元以下罚款,对非住宅的承租人处以 1000 元以上 5000 元以下的罚款。

第二十三条 违反本办法规定,房屋租赁中介服务机构未书面告知房屋租赁当事人办理房屋租赁登记备案手续的,由房屋租赁行政主管部门责令限期改正;拒不改正的,房屋租赁行政主管部门可以对房屋租赁中介服务机构处以 500 元以上 1000 元以下罚款。

第二十四条 违反本办法规定,房屋租赁中介服务机构未及时到市、市(县)房屋租赁行政主管部门备案的,由市、市(县)房屋租赁行政主管部门责令限期改正;逾期拒不改正的,市、市(县)房屋租赁行政主管部门可以对房屋租赁中介服务机构处以1000 元以上 5000 元以下罚款。

第二十五条 违反本办法其他规定,属于有关部门职责范围内的,分别由有关部门依照法律法规规章的规定予以处罚。

第二十六条 房屋租赁管理工作人员在房屋租赁工作中玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第二十七条 非住宅出租房屋附带有员工宿舍的,其宿舍部分出租的,应当按本办法的规定办理住宅出租的有关手续。

第二十八条 本办法自2008年10月1日起施行。1993 年4月9日无锡市人民政府发布的《无锡市房屋租赁管理办法》同时废止。








第一条 为进一步加强住房公积金行政执法工作,切实保障职工合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》、《住房公积金管理条例》等法律法规规章,结合我市实际,制订本办法。

第二条 本办法所称住房公积金行政执法是指住房公积金管理部门依照相关法律法规规章及本办法对住房公积金违法行为依法进行检查、责令限期整改、实施行政处罚、申请人民法院强制执行等行为。

第三条 本办法适用于本市行政区域内的住房公积金行政执法活动。

第四条 住房公积金行政执法应当遵循实事求是、合法公正、教育为主、处罚为辅、查处与管理相结合的原则。

第五条 张掖市住房公积金管理中心(以下简称“公积金中心”)是本市住房公积金行政执法的主体,负责本市行政区域内住房公积金行政执法工作的组织实施。

第六条 公积金中心应当配备行政执法人员。行政执法人员必须具备良好的政治、业务素质和职业道德以及相应的法律知识。

第七条 住房公积金行政执法实行持证上岗。行政执法人员执法时须主动向当事人出示行政执法证件,且不得少于两人。行政执法人员与当事人有直接利害关系的,应当回避。

第八条 住房公积金行政执法的对象是本市行政区域内存在住房公积金违法行为的单位和个人。公积金中心应依法查处下列住房公积金违法行为:





第九条 任何单位和个人对违反住房公积金管理法律法规的行为都具有揭发、检举、控告和如实作证的权利、义务。

第十条 公积金中心通过检查或群众信访、举报等途径获知单位或个人存在住房公积金违法行为的,应在5个工作日内指定执法人员进行初步调查,收集相关证据,做好调查笔录。被调查单位或个人须积极配合调查,并如实提供与违法行为有关的事实、情节和违法行为后果的证据材料。

第十一条 调查证实当事人存在住房公积金违法行为的,公积金中心应当予以立案,并责令当事人限期纠正。事实不清或违法事实不能成立的,公积金中心应当停止调查。

第十二条 限期内拒不纠正的,公积金中心应当根据《住房公积金管理条例》有关规定给予当事人相应的行政处罚。



第十三条 行政处罚决定作出后,公积金中心应当向当事人送达《行政处罚违法行为告知书》。对当事人处以3万元以上罚款的,公积金中心应当向当事人一并送达《行政处罚听证告知书》,告知当事人有要求举行听证的权利。

第十四条 当事人收到《行政处罚违法行为告知书》后要求陈述、申辩的,公积金中心应当充分听取当事人的意见,并做好记录;对当事人提出的事实、理由和证据,公积金中心应当进行复核。符合听证条件且当事人要求听证的,应在收到《行政处罚听证告知书》之日起3日内向公积金中心提出书面听证申请;超过期限未提出听证要求的,视为放弃听证权利;公积金中心受理当事人听证要求的,应当按照《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》和《甘肃省行政处罚听证程序暂行规定》的有关要求组织听证。

第十五条 当事人不要求陈述、申辩、听证的,或者当事人陈述、申辩、听证后不改变行政处罚意见的,公积金中心应当向当事人送达《行政处罚决定书》。

第十六条 当事人收到《行政处罚决定书》后,应在法定期限内主动履行行政处罚决定。处以罚款的,当事人应当自收到《行政处罚决定书》之日起15日内缴纳罚款。到期不缴纳的,根据《中华人民共和国行政处罚法》第五十一条之规定加处罚款;当事人确有困难,需要延期或分期缴纳罚款的,应向公积金中心提出书面申请,并提供延期或分期缴纳罚款的计划保证书,经公积金中心批准后,可以暂缓或者分期缴纳。

第十七条 当事人对行政处罚决定不服的,可在《行政处罚决定书》送达之日起60日内向市人民政府申请复议,也可在《行政处罚决定书》送达之日起三个月内向人民法院提起行政诉讼。复议或诉讼期间,行政处罚决定不停止执行,法律另有规定的除外。

第十八条 当事人在法定期限内既不申请复议,又不向人民法院提起行政诉讼,也拒不执行行政处罚决定的,公积金中心可在法定起诉期届满之日起180日内申请人民法院强制执行。

第十九条 事实不清或违法事实不能成立的,或者处罚决定执行完毕的应予以结案。结案后,公积金中心应及时将全部案卷材料整理成册,立卷归档。

第二十条 公积金中心及执法人员应在法定职权范围内,依法定程序从事执法活动;超越职权范围或违反执法程序所作出的行政处罚无效。侵犯当事人合法权益的,当事人有权向有关部门投诉。

第二十一条 行政执法人员玩忽职守、滥用职权或徇私舞弊的,由公积金中心根据情节轻重予以批评教育或行政处分;构成犯罪的,移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任。

第二十二条 无理阻挠、拒绝执法人员依法行使职权或打击报复执法人员的,由公安机关依照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法》进行处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

第二十三条 行政执法文书均可采取当场交付、留置、邮寄或公告等方式送达。

第二十四条 公积金中心可依据有关法律法规规章和本办法制定实施细则或操作规程,报市住房公积金管理委员会审查备案后执行。

第二十五条 本办法自发布之日起执行。